Our Lady Of Medjugorje
Messages From 1982
January, 1982 - April 11, 1982
In January, the visionaries were moved to a side room to the right of the Alter of St. James Church. This room was to become famous and considered by many as sacred ground. Presently, many pilgrims take great joy in participating at Mass, which is sometimes held in the "Chapel". Thousands of apparitions took place in the "Chapel" and one could say that Our Lady dwelled there.
January 11, 1982
"I invite you very specially to participate at Mass. Wait for me at church, that is the agreeable place."
January 14, 1982
Today, toward the end of the apparition, two of the visionaries were reprimanded by Our Lady. The other visionaries could not hear this correction for their behavior but Our Lady's expression gave them an indication what it was about. Those reprimanded later said that Our Lady was kind and respectful to them.
January, 18, 1982
Concerning a sick person with heart problems: "There is little hope for her. I will pray for her."
January 20, 1982
The visionaries want to know if they should meet with children from Izbicno who are also visionaries. They tell the Blessed Virgin that the Izbicno children said She told them about this meeting. "It is not necessary for you to meet them."
The officials want to transfer Father Tomislav. "If it is God's design that he (Father Tomislav depart as has been the case with Father Jozo, have him abandon himself to the will of God. He must think very much and you must pray for him."
January 21, 1982
Again the visionaries ask about the sign. "The sign will appear at the desired time."
Our Lady is asked why apparitions occur at different places in Hercegovina. "My children, don't you see that the faith begins to extinguish itself and that it is necessary to awaken the faith among men?"
The visionaries want to know how they can get peace to witness among the priests. "Fast and pray!"
January 22, 1982
Concerning apparitions at Izbicno. "They are coming from God."
Izbicno is 60 kilometers from Medjugorje. Eighteen people, mostly females, said they are having apparitions between 1982-1983.
February 2, 1982
Our Lady was asked when She would like the Feast of The Queen of Peace to be celebrated. She smiled and said: "I would prefer that it take place June 25th. The faithful have come for the first time on that day, on the hill."
February 8, 1982
The visionaries asked about an emotionally sick person. "He must pray. I will help him within the limitation of my power."
To some Slovenes who were praying during the apparition: "Persevere in prayer."
February 9, 1982
"Pray for the sick. Believe firmly. I will come to help, according to that which is within my power. I will ask my Son, Jesus, to help them. The most important thing, in the meantime, is a strong faith. Numerous sick persons think that is sufficient to come here in order to be quickly healed. Some of them do not even believe in God and even less in the apparitions, and then they ask help from the Gospa!"
February 10, 1982
Jakov and Vicka ask Our Lady many questions and She answers them. They relate that Our Lady loves the Creed and prefers it to other prayers. They say they have never seen Her happier than during this prayer. Our Lady's message: "Pray, pray! It is necessary to believe firmly, to go to confession regularly, and likewise to receive Holy Communion. It is the only salvation."
February 11, 1982
"Pray my angels, persevere! Do not let the enemy take possession of you in anything. Be courageous. Go in the peace of God, my angels. Good-bye."
February 12, 1982
"Be more calm, more poised. Do not take sides with other children. Be agreeable, well mannered, and pious!"
The visionaries relate that Our Lady prays with Her hands folded and when She speaks, She spreads them and raises them toward Heaven.
February 13, 1982
For seminarians attending the apparition: "Through prayer, one obtains everything."
February 14, 1982
The visionaries are happy because four of them are together. "Be together like brothers and sisters, Do not argue. Satan exists! He seeks only to destroy. With regard to you, pray and persevere in prayer. No one will be able to do anything against you."
February 16, 1982
"Satan only says what he wants. He interferes in everything. You, my angels, be ready to endure everything. Here, many things will take place. Do not allow yourselves to be surprised by him."
February 19, 1982
Vicka's diary states that the visionaries ask Our Lady if they could pray the Hail Mary and She says yes. Our Lady smiled as they prayed but did not pray with them. Vicka writes that seeing Our Lady, Her beauty, is indescribable and she would do whatever She asks. "Listen attentively at Holy Mass. Be well mannered. Do not chat during Holy Mass."
February, 21, 1982
"Be together, do not argue, and do not be disorderly. My angels, I will make you attentive. I will guide you on a sure way."
February 23, 1982
The visionaries ask if someone is alive. "Do not ask me any more questions! I know what there is in every sick person or what there is within my power to help him. I will pray to my Son to put out His mercy on each one."
February 25, 1982
"Be persevering and courageous. Do not fear anything. Pray and do not pay attention to others."
Concerning Father Jozo: "Do not fear for him."
February 28, 1982
"Thank Tomislav very much for he is guiding you very well. Go in the peace of God, my angels!"
March 1, 1982
"All of you, be happy and may my blessing accompany you at each step."
In response to the Yugoslavian authorities' demand that the prayer meetings for the young people end: "It is better to temporarily suspend prayer meetings and those of meditation because of the authorities. Take them up later, when it will be possible."
March 2, 1982
Smiling at two large pictures of the Pope brought by a woman from Osijek, Our Lady said: "He is your father, my angels."
Our Lady began the Lord's Prayer, and on leaving said: "Open the door well, follow the mass well! Go in the peace of God, my angels! If you suffer for a just cause, blessings will be still more abundant for you."
March 4, 1982
Regarding a woman who had no children: "Let her believe firmly. God, who comes to help everyone, will likewise help her. Be patient, my angels, do not be afraid of anything. I am at your side and guard you. If you have any problems, whatever it be, call me. I will come immediately and help you in advising you on best resolving the difficulty. Go in peace, my angles. Good-bye."
March 7, 1982
Regarding Ivan at the Seminary at Visoko: "He prays well; he is obedient. He follows my instructions."
March 8, 1982
Regarding a sixteen year old boy who had disappeared for a week: "He left because of many troubles. He himself created some of the problems."
March 9, 1982
Regarding a young man from Hadromilje who disappeared from his home: "He has serious problems. It is necessary to pray for him very much, my angels. The people are beginning to be converted. Prayer has been taken up again in the homes where people had no longer prayed."
Beginning of April
Mirjana asked the Blessed Virgin when she would like to be honored. "I wish a feast for the Queen of Peace on the 25th of June, the anniversary of the first apparition."
April 11, 1982 (Easter Sunday)
Concerning the formation of prayer groups: "It is necessary, but not only here. Communities of prayer are necessary in all parishes."
April 21, 1982
A summary of Our Lady's messages which the visionaries gave to Father Vlasic: "Be patient! Everything is developing according to God's plan. His promises will be realized. May one continue to pray, to do penance, and to be converted."
April 22, 1982
Concerning the luminous signs at the cross on Krizevac: "They are signs of God and not natural phenomena. 'S' and 'T' are signs of salvation.
April 24, 1982
Concerning what needs to be done in order to have more cures: "Pray! Pray and believe firmly. Say the prayers which have already been requested. (The Lord's Prayer, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be seven times each, and the Creed.) Do more penance."
May 2, 1982
"I have come to call the world to conversion for the last time. Afterwards, I will not appear any more on this earth."
May 6, 1982
Concerning putting the date and description of the sign in a sealed envelop and putting it in the archives: "No! I have entrusted that only to you. You will unveil it when I will tell you. Many persons will not believe you, I know, and you will suffer very much for it. But you will endure everything and you will finally be the happiest."
May 13, 1982
Concerning the assassination attempt on the life of John Paul II: "His enemies have wanted to kill him, but I protected him."
Spring 1982
The Pastor at Izbicno has the visionaries ask concerning all of the signs in Hercegovina and Our Lady's appearing in so many places: "It is God who gives them. My children, have you not observed that faith began to extinguish itself? There are many who do not come to church except through habit. It is necessary to awaken the faith. It is a gift from God. If it is necessary, I will appear in each home."
To Jakov, crying because he saw Vicka ill: "The cross is necessary because of the sins of the world."
June 23, 1982
Responses from Our Lady regarding questions asked by Father Tomislav Vlasic. Vicka asked the Gospa the questions for Father Tomislav. He reported the answers in the parish chronicle.
1. The most important thing is that you, the visionaries, remain united. Let peace be among you. Pay very close attention to that. Obey and do what the priests and your parents tell you. Go often to Holy Mass and receive Communion. Be very attentive these days. Some dishonest people will come to you, in numbers, in order to tempt you. Be careful of your statements. These days I am expecting of you a very special discipline. Do not move around anywhere, or often, and do not separate from one another.
2. A number of those who have been very enthusiastic will cool off. But you, persist and be proud of each of my words. Have the people pray very much. Have them pray more for salvation and only for salvation, because it is in prayer. And let the people be converted so long as it is possible. There are many sins, vexations, curse words, lies, and other bad things. Let them be converted, go to confession, and receive Holy Communion.
3. Let them not print books on the apparitions before the anniversary has passed, because that could have some undesirable consequences.
4. You have asked me to keep good and faithful priests in this parish who will continue the work. Do not be afraid of anything. This grace will be given to you. From priests, I do not demand anything other than prayer with perseverance and preaching. May they be patient and wait for the promise of God.
Concerning the number of natures of the Holy Spirit:
5. He only has one nature, the Divine nature.
Concerning these apparitions being the last ones on earth:
6. These apparitions are the last in the world.
June 24, 1982
"Thank the people in my name for the prayers, the sacrifices, and the (acts of) penance. Have them persevere in prayer, fasting, and conversion and have them wait with patience for the realization of my promise. Everything is unfolding according to God's plan."
July 12, 1982
Concerning a third world war: "The third world war will not take place."
July 21, 1982
Concerning Purgatory: "There are many souls in Purgatory. There are also persons who have been consecrated to God - some priests, some religious. Pray for their intentions, at least the Lord's Prayer, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be seven times each, and the Creed. I recommend it to you. There is a large number of souls who have been in purgatory for a long time because no one prays for them."
Concerning Fasting: "The best fast is on bread and water. Through fasting and prayer, one can stop wars, one can suspend the laws of nature. Charity cannot replace fasting. Those who are not able to fast can sometime replace it with prayer, charity, and a confession; but everyone, except the sick, must fast."
July 24, 1982
"You go to Heaven in full conscience: that which you have now. At the moment of death, you are conscious of the separation of the body and soul. It is false to teach people that you are reborn many times and that you pass to different bodies. One is born only once. The body, drawn from the earth, decomposes after death. It never comes back to life again. Man receives a transfigured body."
Regarding a question asked about being bad all ones life and asking forgiveness: "Whoever has done very much evil during his life can go straight to Heaven if he confesses, is sorry for what he has done, and receives Communion at the end of his life."
July 25, 1982
Concerning Hell: "Today many persons go to Hell. God allows His children to suffer in Hell due to the fact that they have committed grave, unpardonable sins. Those who are in Hell no longer have a chance to know a lot better." Other answers from Our Lady state that people who commit grave sins live in Hell while here on earth and continue this Hell in eternity. They actually go to Hell because they chose it in life and at the moment of death."
Concerning cures: "For the cure of the sick, it is important to say the following prayers: the Creed, and seven times each, The Lord's Prayer, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be, and to fast on bread and water. It is good to impose one's hands on the sick and to pray. It is good to anoint the sick with Holy oil. All priests do not have the gift of healing. In order to receive this gift, the priest must pray with perseverance and believe firmly."
August 6, 1982
The Transfiguration
Concerning Confession: "One must invite people to go to Confession each month, especially the first Saturday. Here, I have not spoken of it yet. I have invited people to frequent Confession. I will give you yet some concrete messages for our time. Be patient because the time has not yet come. Do what I have told you. They are numerous who do not observe it. Monthly Confession will be a remedy for the Church in the West. One must convey this message to the West."
That night, after the apparition, two luminary signs in the form of rays of light were displayed on the Cross at Krizevac and on the Church. Ivan and the group of young people had been praying on the hill of Bijakovici. Before the sign appeared, Our Lady said: "Now I am going to give you a sign in order to strengthen your faith."
Many members of the prayer group saw this sign.
August 10, 1982
Our Lady told the visionaries that they could give out written information about certain things.
August 11, 1982
The visionaries were scolded by Our Lady for their conduct during the evening Mass. No special message was given.
August 15, 1982
Vicka and Ivanka were given a new secret during the seven-minute apparition. The others could not understand - only that a secret had been given.
August 16, 1982
Our Lady corrected the speed and quality of the prayers of those in Church as well as the visionaries.
During the apparition, Mirjana reports that she sees heavenly persons, such as Jesus, Mary, and the angels, in three dimensions (as another human person would have seen), and earthly people in two dimensions (as in a picture or photograph). She saw father Jozo or Ivan, who have been imprisoned because of their faith, as if in a motion picture and two dimensional.
August 18, 1982
Concerning the sick, Mirjana reports: "Have them believe and pray; I cannot help him who does not pray and does not sacrifice. The sick, just like those who are in good health, must pray and fast for the sick. The more you believe firmly, the more you pray and fast for the same intention, the greater is the grace and the mercy of God."
Concerning a planned marriage between a Catholic and an Orthodox: "In my eyes and in the sight of God, everything is equal. But for you, it is not the same thing because you are divided. If it is possible, it is better if she were not to marry this man because she will suffer and her children also. She will be able to live and follow only with difficulty, the way of her faith."
August 29, 1982
Concerning reports that the apparitions have divided the priests in Hercegovina: "I have not desired your division. On the contrary, I desire that you be united. Do not ignore the fact that I am the Queen of Peace. If you desire practical advice: I am the Mother who has come from the people; I cannot do anything without the help of God. I, too, must pray like you. It is because of that, that I can only say to you: Pray, fast, do penance, and help the weak. I am sorry if my preceding answer was not agreeable to you. Perhaps you do not want to understand it."
August 31, 1982
"I do not dispose all graces. I receive from God what I obtain through prayer. God has placed His complete trust in me. I particularly protect those who have been consecrated to me. The great sign has been granted. It will appear independently of the conversion of the people."
September 4, 1982
"Jesus prefers that you address yourselves directly to Him rather than through an intermediary. In the meantime, if you wish to give yourselves completely to God and if you wish that I be your protector, then confide to me all your intentions, your fasts, and your sacrifices so that I can dispose of them according to the will of God."
September 26, 1982
Concerning a religious from Rome: "Have her strengthen the faith of those who have been entrusted to her."
Concerning Father Robert Faricy and Fr. Forrest: "They are on the good path. Have them persist."
Concerning the Pope: "Have him consider himself the father of all mankind and not only of Christians. Have him spread untiringly and with courage the message of peace and love among all mankind."
October 1, 1982
"I am happy because you have begun to prepare the monthly observance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. That will be good for the whole world. Persevere in prayer. It is the true way which leads you toward my Son."
November 4, 1982
Concerning the vision of Andja, from Mostar, of 13 people coming from the East and on another occasion, six persons: "It is a true vision. They were some souls of her close family of Purgatory. It is necessary to pray for them."
November 6, 1982
Concerning the eighth secret, Mirjana is frightened and prays to Our Lady for mercy on mankind: "I have prayed; the punishment has been softened. Repeated prayers and fasting reduce punishments from God, but it is not possible to avoid entirely the chastisement. Go on the streets of the city, count those who glorify God and those who offend Him. God can no longer endure that."
November 8, 1982
Concerning the necessity of writing to the Bishop and priests about asking the faithful to intensify their prayers or waiting for other events: "It is better to wait than to precipitate that."
November 15, 1982
Jakov asked Our Lady concerning Vicka's illness and the advisability of her being admitted to a hospital in Zagreb. He asked because Vicka would not ask, desiring it to be left to the will of God. "It is necessary to send Vicka to Zagreb."
December 18, 1982
Concerning responding to the Bishop of Mostar about his article concerning events in Medjugorje: "Yes, respond!"
December 20, 1982
Concerning the same article, the visionaries wanted to know the necessity of giving objective information to the faithful in Hercegovina. "No!"
Should the visionaries only pray with our Lady and the pilgrims ask their questions only to the priests? "Yes, it is better that the children pray with me and that the pilgrims ask the priests and look for solutions with them. Meanwhile, I will continue to answer the questions which they ask me."
December 25, 1982
This is the information which Mirjana gave to Father Tomislav on November 5, 1983. He conveyed this information to the Pope on December 16, 1983. Father Vlasic's letter was published in "Is the Virgin Mary appearing at Medjugorje?" (Paris, 1984), with this introduction:
During the apparition of December 25, 1982, according to Mirjana, the Madonna confided to her the tenth and last secret, and revealed to her, the dates in which the different secrets will be realized. The Blessed Virgin revealed to Mirjana some aspects of the future, up to this point, in greater detail than to the other seers. For this reason, I am reporting here what Mirjana told me in a conversation of November 5, 1983. I summarized the essentials of her account, without literal quotation. Mirjana told me:
Before the visible sign is given to mankind, there will be three warnings to the world. The warnings will be in the form of events on earth. Mirjana will be a witness to them. Ten days before one of the admonitions, Mirjana will notify a priest of her choice. The witness of Mirjana will be a confirmation of the apparitions and a stimulus for the conversion of the world.
After the admonitions, the visible sign will appear on the site of the apparitions in Medjugorje for all the world to see. The sign will be given as a testimony to the apparitions and in order to call people back to faith.
The ninth and tenth secrets are serious. They concern chastisement for the sins of the world. Punishment is inevitable, for we cannot expect the whole world to be converted. The punishment can be diminished by prayer and penance, but it cannot be eliminated. Mirjana says that one of the evils that threatened the world, the one contained in the seventh secret, has been averted thanks to prayer and fasting. That is why the Blessed Virgin continues to encourage prayer and fasting: "You have forgotten that through prayer and fasting you can avert wars and suspend the laws of nature."
After the first admonition, the others will follow in a rather short time. Thus, people will have some time for conversion.
That interval will be a period of grace and conversion. After the visible sign appears, those who are still alive will have little time for conversion. For that reason, the Blessed Virgin invites us to urgent conversion and reconciliation.
The invitation to prayer and penance is meant to avert evil and war, but most of all to save souls.
According to Mirjana, the events predicted by the Blessed Virgin are near. By virtue of this experience, Mirjana proclaims to the world: 'Convert as quickly as possible. Open your hearts to God.'
In addition to this basic message, Mirjana related an apparition she has in 1982 which we believe sheds some light on aspects of Church history. She spoke of an apparition in which Satan appeared to her. Satan asked Mirjana to renounce the Madonna and follow him. That way she could be happy in love and in life. He said that following the Virgin, on the contrary, would only lead to suffering. Mirjana rejected him, and immediately the Virgin gave her the following message, in substance:
"Excuse me for this, but you must realize that Satan exists. One day he appeared before the throne of God and asked permission to submit the Church to a period of trial. God gave him permission to try the Church for one century. This century is under the power of the Devil, but when the secrets confided to you come to pass, his power will be destroyed. Even now he is beginning to lose his power and has become aggressive. He is destroying marriages, creating division among priests and is responsible for obsessions and murder. You must protect yourselves against these things through fasting and prayer, especially community prayer. Carry blessed objects with you. Put them in your house, and restore the use of holy water."
December 24, 1982
For Mirjana: "On Christmas I will appear to you for the last time."
After this apparition, it was apparent that Mirjana was very sad. Mirjana stated that on Christmas day Our Lady would come to her again as a gift but would not be giving her daily apparitions. Mirjana was given the tenth secret, a particularly grave one. Our Lady promised to appear to Mirjana on her birthday, March 18, for the rest of her life.
December 25, 1982
Our Lady's apparition to Mirjana lasted 45 minutes. Mirjana states that she will always remember these words of Our Lady. "Now you will have to turn to God in the faith like any other person. I will appear to you on the day of your birthday and when you will experience difficulties in life. Mirjana, I have chosen you; I have confided in you everything that is essential. I have shown you many terrible things. You must now bear it all with courage. Think of Me and think of the tears I must shed for that. You must remain courageous. You have quickly grasped the messages. You must also understand now that I have to go away. Be courageous."
Mirjana has said that Our Lady prepared her for this meeting for a month. In a motherly manner, Our Lady had explained that her task was accomplished and Mirjana had received sufficient information. While Mirjana felt that her conversations with Our Lady were so necessary for her soul, Our Lady promised that as long as she remained close to God, She would help her and be beside her always, assisting her in her most difficult times. But now she must return to the normal everyday life of young girls her age.
This was Mirjana's saddest Christmas ever. This last meeting left her feeling as if she had lost the most beautiful thing in her life. Our Lady knew her pain and was there to cheer her up and to pray with her. Mirjana was asked to sing and praise God. Mirjana prayed the Hail Holy Queen, the prayer she always said when she was alone with Our Lady.
As Our Lady has warned, the first month after this last apparition was most difficult. Mirjana experienced depression, avoided people, and shut herself in her room where she had waited for Our Lady.
She cried and called out to Our Lady and did feel her presence. She waited for her birthday.
Many who know Mirjana claim that since the apparitions stopped, she has become much more mature in her inner life as well as in her character. Our Lady has been the best of educators.
December 27, 1982
Concerning placing the new statue of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, in the church: "Yes, you may!"
This statue was sculpted by Vipotnik and painted by Luka Stojaknac and Florijan Mickovic. Luka is Orthodox and working on this statue has been a blessing for him.
December 31, 1982
Concerning the new year: "Pray as much as possible and fast! You must persevere in prayer and fasting. I wish that the new year will be spent in prayer and penance. Persevere in prayer and in sacrifice and I will protect you and will hear your prayers."