Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic
Vicka is the oldest of the visionaries, and was born on September 3, 1964, in Bijakovici. She comes from a family of 8 children. Her prayer mission given to her by Our Lady is to pray for the sick. Our Lady appeared to her for the first time on June 24, 1981. For her, the daily apparitions have not yet stopped. Our Lady has so far confided nine secrets to her. Vicka married on January 26, 2002, and lives with her husband Mario in the small village of Gradac, a few kilometers north of Medjugorje. They have two children Sophia Maria, and Anton.
Vicka: "Before, I prayed from pure habit. Now I've turned completely to prayer. I commit my life completely to God. I feel sorry for those who do not believe in God, because Our Lady wants no one to be lost. We can help each other find the right way to God. It's up to the people to obey the messages and be converted. Great things are happening here: Our Lady is among us. She wishes to attract everyone to Her Son. That's the reason She has been coming so long and so often. Here, everyone feels the nearness and the love of God. As role model and example, Gospa began, in January 1983, to tell me Her life story, which took over two years."
The information Our Lady dictated to Vicka over these two years is contained in two hand written notebooks and will be published when Our Lady tells Vicka it is time. |
Vicka Mijatovic
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Ivan Dragicevic
Ivan is the oldest of the two boys who see Our Lady and was born on May 25th, 1965 in Bijakovici. His prayer mission given by Our Lady is to pray for priests, families, and the youth of the world. Although Ivan and Mirjana share the same last name, they are not related.
Our Lady has appeared to him every day since June 24, 1981. Our Lady has confided nine secrets to Ivan. He is now married and resides half the year in the parish of Medjugorje, and half the year in Boston, MA. Ivan and his wife Laureen have four children.
Ivan: "The apparitions made a big difference in my life - the difference between heaven and earth. For example, I arrange my day now so that even during the day I find time to pray. Before, my life had no meaning. Now, I'm filled with inner contentment. The first time I saw Our Lady, a change occurred in my soul, and in my heart. Before, I often avoided prayer, but now the difference is so great, I really can't describe it. I'm confident and not afraid, because I know who leads me, and therefore, I'm not afraid of death. People in our parish, and all people, should feel that way." |
Ivan Dragicevic
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Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo
Mirjana was born March 18th, 1965 in Sarajevo. Her prayer mission from Our Lady is to pray for all unbelievers. She is the second oldest of the seers. Very intelligent, Mirjana graduated from the University of Sarajevo where her family lived. Mirjana was the second to see the Blessed Mother that day, June 24th in Medjugorje. Although her family lived in Sarajevo, she spent the summers with her grandmother who lived in Bijakovici. That is how she came to be in Medjugorje that summer. She had daily apparitions from June 24, 1981 till December 25, 1982. On this date, Mirjana received her 10th and final secret from Our Lady. Mirjana was the first seer to receive all 10 secrets.
Since that time, Our Lady only appeared to Mirjana once a year on her birthday (March 18) until August 2, 1987 when Our Lady also started appearing to Mirjana on the 2nd day of each month to pray with Mirjana for all unbelievers. Mirjana tells us that Our Lady defines "unbelievers" as those who have not yet felt God's love. She tells us that if we only once saw the tears in Our Lady's eyes for all unbelievers that we would all begin praying intensely for this intention. Mirjana lives in Medjugorje with her husband Marko Soldo. They have two daughters.
Mirjana: "I didn't know Marian apparitions existed. I never heard about Lourdes or Fatima. The first day Ivanka had the vision of Our Lady, she was full of enthusiasm and wanted me to look too. I thought: "This can't be real!" But, Our Lady gave us strength to accept Her as a Mother. I've changed a lot. I realize how empty my heart was. Now, I truly feel God, the Mother of God, and the faith. My relationship with Our Lady has become one of a mother and daughter. Jesus is like a friend, or an older brother. Whoever believes in God, and opens himself up to God, needn't be afraid. God will be with him in the future too. If everyone believed in God, there'd be no war." |
Mirjana Soldo
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Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez
Ivanka was the first to see Our Lady on June 24, 1981, and is the youngest of the 4 girls and was born on July 21, 1966, in Bijakovici. Ivanka's prayer mission from Our Lady is to pray for families. Ivanka has one brother and one sister. Her Mother Jagoda, died in May 1981. When the apparitions first began, Ivanka asked the Blessed Mother about her mother. Our Lady told her that her mother was with her in heaven. God has allowed Ivanka to see and speak to her mother, who is in heaven, five times over the years.
She had daily apparitions from June 24, 1981, until May 7, 1985. On that day Our Lady confided to her the last of her ten secrets. Our Lady told her that for her entire life she will have an apparition every year on June 25, the anniversary of the apparitions. And so far it has been just that way. Ivanka is living in the parish of Medjugorje, is married and has three children.
Ivanka: "When the apparitions began, I was only a child. I prayed and went to church when my parents asked me to. Now when I pray, I feel united with God and Our Lady. Before, when I went to Mass, I didn't feel anything special. Now, I know God is alive at the Holy Mass and gives Himself completely to us in the Host. Concerning my own future, I leave it completely to God - my path will go in the direction God leads me. I have some advice for young people: I want to tell them to turn to God as soon as possible because He's the only one who can lead them to happiness and truth. We simply must pray more and live the messages of Medjugorje." |
Ivanka Elez
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Jakov Colo
Jakov is the youngest of the seers. He was born on March 6, 1971 in Bijakovici, and was only 10 years old when the apparitions started. His prayer mission given by Our Lady is to pray for the sick. Jakovs' mother Jaca, died on September 5th 1983 and it affected Jakov very deeply since he rarely saw his father who worked in Germany as many men did in those days with no jobs available in Medjugorje or the surrounding area.
He has had daily apparitions since June 25, 1981, and on September 12, 1998, Our Lady confided to him his 10th secret. Our Lady now appears to Jakov only once per year on Christmas Day. Our Lady literally raised Jakov since his mother died when he was so young. It was very difficult for him to accept that he would no longer see Our Lady every day. He wondered how he would continue, and struggled for months until he tells us that through prayer he realized that he was now like all of us who do not see Our Lady. He tells us that Our Lady is with each one of us always, and we can experience her in our hearts. Jakov lives in the parish of Medjugorje, is married and now has three children.
Jakov: "From the time Our Lady first appeared to me, my life has entirely changed. Now, I pray more and go to Mass every evening. I try, more and more, to fulfill the messages that Our Lady gives us. I feel I'm closer to God now. I believe we have to pray that God's plans will be realized. I now want to live as a Christian. I begin the day with prayer, then go to school. when I get home, I help wherever necessary. To me, the Mass means an encounter with the living God. Our Lady always tells us to pray more." |
Jakov Colo
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Fr. Slavko Barbaric
Fr. Slavko was born on March 11, 1946. He spent his childhood in extreme poverty. However, he was a very intelligent man - perhaps the most brilliant scholar of his time. He joined the Franciscan order after completing his two years of service in the Yugoslav army. By the age of thirty he had earned an assortment of degrees from several European universities. He was a priest with a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Freiburg in Switzerland. Father Slavko was officially sent to Medjugorje in 1983. He was deeply involved with the visionaries and apparitions taking place in Medjugorje. He regularly gave talks to visiting pilgrims, and wrote 16 books about the messages of Medjugorje. He also wrote a monthly commentary about Our Lady's monthly messages on the 25th of each month to help provide insight, and understanding to help us better live these messages.
Fr. Slavko was also the founder of the orphanage "Mother's Village". It was always been his desire to provide care for those who had been abandoned and rejected by their own family members and forgotten by the social welfare system. Mother's Village is a specialized institution that provides accommodation, care and education for abandoned and unprotected children and orphans from birth until the age of eighteen, for handicapped children, for young mothers and for the elderly.
Fr. Slavko died a sudden death at the top of Cross Mountain in Medjugorje on November 24, 2000. He will always be greatly missed by everyone. |
Fr. Slavko Barbaric
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Fr. Jozo Zovko
Fr. Jozo was the pastor at Medjugorje when the apparitions of the Blessed Mother began in 1981. It was the time of the communist regime. As pastor of Medjugorje, Fr. Jozo was put in prison by the communist court. He served 18 months of a 3 year sentence. During his imprisonment he was tortured and beaten. After his release he continued to spread the message of Our Lady, the Queen of Peace. He spends long hours in prayer, counseling and preaching. Most of the time he is in the church, often for 10 hours a day. He has spoken to millions of visiting pilgrims over the years and for many it is a highlight of their pilgrimage.
After the war in 1991-1995, Fr. Jozo started a program to help the almost 7000 orphans who lost one or both parents. As a result of his efforts, thousands of these children are sponsored monthly by people from all over the world. He is a powerful priest who has given his life to make known Our Lady's messages in Medjugorje and to help those suffering around him. |
Fr. Jozo Zovko
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Fr. Svetozar Kraljevic
Fr. Svet was born on September 14, 1951 in Kocerin, near Široki Brijeg. He attended primary school in Kocerin, Seminary in Split, and completed his noviciate in Humac and his military service in Zrenjanin and Priština. He studied Theology in Sarajevo, Zagreb and Washington DC (USA). He was ordained a priest in Chicago (USA) in 1977. As priest, he served in USA (Milwaukee, New York), and in Humac, Konjic, Mostar and Široki Brijeg. He has been in Medjugorje since 1997, and frequently speaks to groups of visiting pilgrims. Since Fr. Slavko's death in 2000 he has also been in charge of the orphanage there called Mother's Village. |
Fr. Svetozar Kraljevic
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Fr. Tim Deeter
Reverend Timothy Deeter is an American priest who has ministered in the Archdiocese of Perth, Australia since 1996. After two years' assistance with preparations for last year's World Youth Day in Sydney, he has recently returned from a year's sabbatical in Rome, where he translated the letters of Blessed. Pier Giorgio Frassati from Italian to English. He is again living in Perth where he is pastor of St. Paul's Parish, and also gives talks and conferences throughout Australia. |
Fr. Tim Deeter
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Fr. Donald Calloway
Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, a convert to Catholicism, is a member of the Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception. Before his conversion to Catholicism, he was a high school dropout who had been kicked out of a foreign country, institutionalized twice and thrown in jail multiple times. After his radical conversion he earned a B.A. in Philosophy and Theology from the Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH, M.Div. and S.T.B. degrees from the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, DC, and an S.T.L. in Mariology from the International Marian Research Institute in Dayton, Ohio. He has written many academic articles and is the editor of two books: The Immaculate Conception in the Life of the Church (Marian Press, 2004) and The Virgin Mary and Theology of the Body (Marian Press, 2005). He also is the author of the book Purest of All Lilies: The Virgin Mary in the Spirituality of St. Faustina (Marian Press, 2008). Currently Fr. Donald is the House Superior of the Marian House of Studies in Steubenville, OH. |
Fr. Donald Calloway
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