
Peace to All! Our mission and ministry of spreading the messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje is now in its 31st year! With God's blessing, and your help, we can continue to provide the Medjugorje Web site, email lists, Our Lady's messages in over 40 languages, as well as the many other projects and services related to Medjugorje that we support and are directly involved in. We do not charge for any of these services and never will.

We believe it is vitally important to continue our work and mission of making the message of Medjugorje known and available to everyone. First and foremost we ask you for your prayers. Our Lady said in Medjugorje: "You have forgotten that with prayer and fasting you can ward off wars, and suspend natural laws.". We trust in the power of prayer!

We understand that not everyone is able to offer financial support. We humbly ask that you please pray for us. And for those of you who are able to help financially, we humbly ask that you prayerfully consider and discern what you are able to offer. Your donation will provide us with the resources necessary to continue our work to spread Our Lady's message from Medjugorje.

As a thnk you for your donation we have items from Medjugorje that we will send to you. If you would rather not receive a thank you gift(s) please let us know. These items are our way of tithing back to show our appreciation for your support. It is also another way that we can help spread the message and graces of Medjugorje to others.

All donations are welcome and deeply appreciated. Unless you inform us otherwise, we will send the chosen thank you gift(s) to you.

  • Donations of $10 - We will send a medal card from Medjugorje blessed by Our Lady during an apparition.

  • Donations of $25 - We will send a special wooden rosary from Medjugorje blessed by Our Lady during an apparition.

  • Donations of $25 - We will send our HD DVD - Praying the Rosary on Apparition Hill.

  • Donations of $25 - We will send our HD DVD - Praying the Stations of the Cross on Krizevac.

  • Donations of $50 - We will send a special rock rosary hand made from the stones on Apparition Hill blessed by Our Lady during an apparition.

  • Donations of $50 - We will send our book of Our Lady's Messages from 1981-2021
    (updated thru June 25, 2021)

  • Donations of $100 - We will arrange a Holy Mass with the parish in Medjugorje for your intentions.

What a wonderful gift one of these items would make for a family member, friend or loved one. Birthday, Baptism, Confirmation, Christmas, etc.

We greatly appreciate your prayers, and we also know that any monetary gift given is truly given from the heart and we cannot thank you enough for both your prayers and support. Every one of you is also in our prayers as well!

If you have any questions or need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us. You can email us at:, or call our office at: 815-748-0410

Thank you for your prayers and support!

Steve Shawl
The Medjugorje Web

To Make a Donation

Visa, MC, Discover, Amex

$10 - Medjugorje Medal Card
$10 - CD - A Time for Miracles
$25 - Medjugorje Wood Rosary
$25 - DVD Rosary in Medjugorje
$25 - DVD Stations in Medjugorje
$50 - Medjugorje Rock Rosary
$50 - Medjugorje Messages Book 1981-2021 (Updated to June 25, 2021)
$100 - Mass Offered in Medjugorje for your intentions.

Or you can also offer any amount you wish below.

Enter a One Time Donation Amount $

Enter Recurring Monthly Donation Amount $
You can cancel at anytime.

The items shown above are our thank you gift to you for your donation to help support our ministry. If you would rather not receive anything please note during checkout.

Currently we are not a 501C3 entity. Unfortunately your
donation is not tax deductible. We are working on this.

The Medal Cards and Rosaries have been blessed by
Our Lady during an apparition.

Please allow 4-6 weeks for Items to be Sent.

The next Date we will arrange Masses in Medjugorje for 2025 is:
March 25, 2025

To Make a Donation By Check

Please make your check out to, and mail to:

The Medjugorje Web
772 N. Peace Road
DeKalb, IL 60115

Please specify the thank you gift(s) you wish to receive with your check. If you would rather not receive anything please let us know.

To Make a Donation By Phone or Fax

Please call us at: 815-748-0410
Please fax us at: 815-333-2338

To Wire a Donation

Please email us at:
or call us for account details at: 815-748-0410

Last Modified 02/23/2025