Your Pilgrimage With Us To Medjugorje - 2025

Helpful Hints and Information

Be sure to check your documents and airline e-tickets for dates and other important information when you receive them. Please double check your name on the e-ticket against your passport! Please arrive at the airport around 3 hours prior to departure. When checking your luggage please ask to check your luggage all the way to your final destination (Split or Sarajevo). Please wear your nametag or carry our backpack with you so we know you are with the group.

Important Phone Numbers!!
When calling Europe from the US Dial 011 before the number.
When calling the US from Europe Dial 001 before the number.
When calling within Europe Dial + before the number.
The Medjugorje Web - 815-748-0410
Snjezana Zovko (our local guide) - +387-63-360-937
Be sure to load Viber and or Whatsapp on your phone for wifi communication.

Your Trip Includes:
Round trip flights from USA/Europe/Croatia (if purchased as part of your pilgrimage).
Round Trip Transfers to and from the Airport and Medjugorje (unless other arrangements have been made).

Accommodations in Medjugorje

Know What Your Tour Does Not Include: Lunches, any items of personal nature such as phone calls, taxis, insurance and any tips and gratuities.

Your Documents: A valid passport is required of all US or Canadian citizens. Make sure that your passport is signed. Please carry your passport, tickets and all other documents with you. Do not pack these items in your suitcase. A visa is not required for all passengers with a US or Canadian passport. For all non US or Canadian citizens, please contact our office or your local consulate.

Electricity: Virtually all of Europe uses 250-volt, 50-cycle alternating current. If you bring items that work at home, you'll need a voltage adapter, as well as a plug adapter. We recommend that you purchase a multi-international kit from Amazon, Wal-Mart, Target, etc.

Luggage: Effective Jan 1, 2010 Croatia Airlines New Baggage Regulations has changed to the following for Economy Class:

Wheelchairs: The airline will transport your wheelchair free of charge in the cargo compartment.

Carry On: Economy Class passengers are only permitted one piece of hand luggage. Each piece of hand luggage may not be larger than 21.5 x 15.5 x 8 inches and may not weigh more than 18lb. A foldable garment bag (no larger than 22 x 21 x 6 inches) may also be taken on board as hand luggage. In the interests of your own and other passengers' safety and comfort, bags exceeding these limits must be checked in.

Not allowed in carry-on baggage are all items that may cause injury:

Please remember, do not pack your medicine in your checked luggage!! Carry it with you in your carry-on.

What to Pack: Take comfortable, broken in shoes, and dress in layers (T-shirt, sweatshirt, jacket) depending upon the time of year. A plastic poncho with hood or a folding umbrella in case of rain. Toiletries such as body wash, shampoo, lotions, etc. The accommodations supply bath and hand towels. If you waht to use a hair dryer, or curling iron you must bring it with you. Be sure to bring the voltage converter!. Backpack (we supply it) to carry personal items while touring in Europe and to carry purchases you might make. Please pack what you think you will need but try not to over pack!!

To Prepare:
A couple of weeks before your pilgrimage, one should begin preparing physically as well as spiritually.


Personal Expenses That May Occur: Taxis, $6 wherever you go in Medjugorje whether 1 person in the car or 4; lunches, personal expenses.

Toilets: (WC), Water Closet is located on the far right of St. James church, on the other side of the votive area to light candles. They are modern clean rest rooms.

Miscellaneous Information:
1 - There can be little sacrifices that need to be made during your trip. We will be living as the local villagers live, and their lives are simple compared to ours. Little inconveniences do crop up now and then, like running out of hot water. Please accept these inconveniences with as much patience and grace as possible. Overall our accommodations are modern and comfortable. This retreat can be the most spiritually rewarding experience of your life. But some of it is up to you and how you react to situations.

2 - It is recommended that you do not climb the mountain or apparition hill alone at night in case of a fall.

3 - All clothing can be worn 2-3 times. No one should be obsessed with how they look while in Medjugorje.

4 - Put 1 complete outfit, extra underclothes and medication in your carryon that will be on the plane with you in case your luggage misses a connection. Fortunately it doesn't happen often.

1- ENGLISH MASS everyday at 10 a.m. Feast Days and Sundays at noon. All religious articles are blessed after the Mass.

2- ROSARY AND CONFESSION begins at 5pm (winter) 6pm (summer).

3- APPARITION is approx. 5:40 (winter) 6:40 (summer) towards the end of the 3rd or 4th sorrowful mystery there will be a short pause. This is the apparition time. During this time offer all your prayers and intentions to Our Lady and ask Our Lady to bless any religious items that you brought with you. Daily apparitions are private and no visionary will be at St. James during the apparition time.

4- EVENING MASS is at 6pm (winter) 7pm (summer); Gospel reading is read in several languages, including English.

5- IMMEDIALTELY FOLLOWING THE MASS the Apostles Creed, 7 Our Father's, 7 Hail Mary's and Glory Be's will be prayed, about 5-7 minutes; then all religious objects will be blessed, 1-2 minutes; then prayers for the sick and handicapped, 6-8 minutes; then the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary will be prayed, 20 minutes; you can leave anytime after the Mass is concluded.

6- ADORATION: Wed & Sat 10-11 pm, in the Adoration Chapel (will be announced at daily Mass)

7- ADORATION AND PRAYER BEFORE THE CURCIFIX: Friday immediately following mass after the Apostles Creed, 7 Our Father's, 7 Hail Mary's, Etc. and the blessing of the religious objects.

8- ADORATION: Thursday immediately following mass and after the Apostles Creed, 7 Our Father's, 7 Hail Mary's, Etc, and the blessing of religious objects.

Our local guide Snjezana will work with you on all scheduling and arrangements during your trip. A daily schedule will be posted for the following day, in the dining room at dinner time. Announcements of any daily talks and activities are also made at 10am English Mass. Next to the Franciscan Book Store (to the left of St. James) is an Information Center that also posts the times speakers will give talks.

To Have a Mass Offered For Someone: Go up the steps at the side of the rectory; go inside, 1st door on the left. Each Mass offering is currently $16.

Petitions: There is a basket inside the Information Center for all petitions.

To Light a Candle: To the right of St. James Church outside is the votive area for lighting candles. The parish asks $1 donation for each candle. No one is permitted to light candles anywhere on the mountains.

SUGGESTED Items To Bring Along - Choose What Makes sense for you. This isn't a shopping list.

For Flight: Inflatable head & neck rest, eye mask, foam earplugs. Portable alarm clock. For Medjugorje: Flashlight with extra batteries (take batteries out while traveling). Penlight flashlight. Old towel or small plastic bag to sit on outside. Handiwipes - freshening up during the day. Travel pack size Kleenex.

Travel size poncho (camping section at Wal-Mart) or umbrella. Optional grocery size plastic bags - 1 or 2 for dirty clothes or items you purchase.

USE OUR BACKPACK: Using the front compartments like a purse you can carry all day items in this bag leaving hands free for walking and climbing. Plastic bottle for water - leak proof / small. You can fill it again when climbing the mountain. Later fill and have blessed when ready to return to the US. When facing St. James the water fountain to the left is the original one fed by a natural spring. Fold up small cloth bag if you want to buy candles, rosaries, etc. - Could put in this bag for the return trip and check it at the airport. Rosary/Stations of the Cross booklet; if your family members have rosaries you may want to bring them and have blessed. Sandwich bags, few paper clips, rubber bands, safety pins, needle, thread.

HAIRDRYERS: We recommend purchasing a multi-international converter/adapter kit from Amazon, Wal-Mart, Target, etc. The hairdryer plug goes into the converter (the converter is bigger then the adapter) the converter into the adapter, the adapter into the wall outlet.

Soap-small bar travel size
Shampoo-travel size or put some in a small container.
Wash cloth (towels are provided but they don't use wash cloths in Medjugorje)
Toothbrush & Toothpaste-travel size
Deodorant-travel size
Razor/ Blades
Aspirin/Advil, Etc.
Feminine protection
Tablets Are Easier & Lightweight
Dramamine or Bonine - If sensitive to motion sickness. We will be on some twisty roads.
Pepto Bismol- tablets
Allergy/cold medicine; tablets

Daytime temps 90's to 130+; nights are warm/hot, humidity medium to high

No Tank Tops, Shorts, Or Sleeveless Shirts Permitted In Church.
This is the custom all over Europe.
No Tank Tops, Or Short Shorts Are Permitted On Apparition Hill Or The Mountain; no matter how hot.
1 pants or jeans
3-4 casual shirts
1-2 long walking shorts
Wrap-a-round skirt or a skirt you can pull over your shorts when attending Mass (carry in backpack so you don't have to return home to change).
1 lightweight sweater or windbreaker for plane
1 lightweight sleep wear
Sneakers; no heels or dress shoes

CLOTHING - Early Fall
Usually 60's at night; high 70's - mid 90's daytime; humidity low to med

No Tank Tops, Shorts, Or Sleeveless Shirts Permitted In Church.
This is the custom all over Europe.
No Tank Tops, Or Shorts Are Permitted On Apparition Hill Or The Mountain; no matter how hot.
2-3 pants or jeans
2-3 casual shirts; 1-2 short; 1 long
1 long walking shorts
1 medium weight jacket
1 sweater; (temp. drop at night-carry in backpack for evening mass)
1 turtleneck or flannel shirt
Warm pajamas
Sneakers; No heels or dress shoes

CLOTHING - Early Spring / Late Fall
Usually high 40's to 50's at night; high 50's - 80's day

Humidity low; general dress casual
2-3 pants or jeans
2-3 casual shirts, long sleeve
1-2 undershirts/T-shirts
1 warm sweater or sweat shirt
1 turtleneck or 1 flannel shirt
1 medium weight jacket (temp. drop at night - carry in backpack for Mass)
1 warm pajamas or warm up suit
1 pair thermal high socks (men and women) or light weight long johns.
Toboggan style hat (winter months)
Light weight gloves (winter months)
Sneakers; no dress shoes or heels

Usually not below mid 20's at night. Daytime temps 20's to 70's.

Thermal style socks; 2-3 pairs
Heavy jacket or coat
Heavy pair gloves or mittens
Heavy warm up suit for sleeping
Heavy weight long john shirt and pants if you tend to get cold easily

The happiest travelers are the most relaxed travelers, and those that go abroad with an open mind to see and experience new things. Try to accept what the day offers with an open mind. Try to remember that no one has brought the rain just to spite them; no one has deliberately caused the plane or the bus to be late to frustrate them.

Any foreign travel is more enjoyable and worthwhile if one is prepared to travel with a pleasant tolerance of customs, philosophy and schedules, acceptance of the ways of people in foreign lands, their standards, cuisine, services and degrees of cordiality is a part of an enriching experience one should expect and enjoy.

Last Modified 02/21/2025