
We are Steve and Ana Shawl. Steve started the Medjugorje Web http://www.medjugorje.org site in 1995. We are both Catholic, have been together for almost 14 years now doing the Medjugorje Web together. I am Croatian with much of my family near Medjugorje. I first heard about the apparitions after speaking with my relatives in 1981 and we first started going to Medjugorje in 1983. The Medjugorje Web at medjugorje.org is the oldest site about Medjugorje on the internet. Steve first had a bulletin board for Medjugorje which was the only one at that time. I think Medjugorje.org is one of the biggest sites on the internet for Medjugorje and receives over 1,000,000 hits per day. The site is updated almost every day by Steve and me.

We think it is important to share all the information we know about Our Lady, Medjugorje, and only news that is official and that we have checked out as really coming from the visionaries, the parish and Medjugorje are posted. We work closely with the Parish in St. James and we check up on any rumors or misinformation directly with them.

Regarding pilgrimages:
Since the beginnings of Medjugorje.org we have had many pilgrimages too. When I first went to Medjugorje, I went with several different tour operators and each one told me something different, but none of them told me everything that I would want to know and so, this is why I first started taking pilgrims to Medjugorje. YOu never know how many times you will ever get to come to Medjugorje so we wanted to make sure that we offered all of the things that I had experienced to whoever comes with us. Sometimes, since I am Croatian and my family is around that area, some of the pilgrims have even been invited to weddings and parties with my relatives which is so funny. Those are those little fun things that I will never forget.

Medjugorje has changed so much since 1983 but the feeling of being there with Our Lady, on the mountains and in the fields never changes. YOu are still always on the edge of Heaven and earth when you are there. I am so happy to still be able to go there, guide pilgrims and show them personal experiences and stories of the people around the area, the visionaries, the prayer group.

So, that is just a little bit about who we are and what we do.

We have 3 children and 3 grandchildren and will continue doing this what we are doing as long as God and Our Lady want us to.

God Bless you all
Ana Shawl