21 September 13, 1995
A great number of pilgrims visited Medjugorje in August. This can be seen by the number of Holy Communions of which 71.500 were distributed. The number of concelebrants at the evening mass was 1861 or 62 per day.
"The Croatian ambassador to India, Dr. Drago Stambuk presented the Order of Kraljica Jelena to Mother Theresa in her home in Calcutta; Mother Theresa was invested with this order by the President of the Republic of Croatia on her 85th birthday for her humanitarian and spiritual work.
Dr. Stambuk asked Mother Theresa to pray for the Croatian people and said how they are looking forward to her coming to Zagreb and Medjugorje; he wished her good health and a long life, so that she could continue to serve the poor for the glory of God. Mother Theresa promised to come to Croatia by the end of the year, if her health permits. She expressed the desire to go to Medjugorje, and to visit Bosnia and Hercegovina." (Vjesnik, 31. 08. 1995, p.4).
Again this year many pilgrims arrived in Medjugorje for the celebration of the Feast of the Holy Cross despite the recommendation of their countries not to go to Croatia or Bosnia and Hercegovina because of the war. According to the estimates of the journalists there were about 50.000 people at the 11:00 am mass on Sunday on Mt. Krizevac. The main concelebrant, fr. Mirko Filipovic, a priest from the Bosnian franciscan province, in his homily spoke about the cross and about the need for each of usto carry it joyfully and perserveringly.
At the request of Medjugorje pilgrims, fr. Slavko Barbaric visited England, Austria, and Germany between August 26th and September 4th. All of the meetings were well attended, which means that Medjugorje lives and operates in individuals and through individuals, prayer groups and centres of peace.
- on August 26th there was a meeting in London in the Holy Ghost Church
- on August 27th there was a meeting at Peter Hutley`s. In the forest of his large estate he set up a Way of the Cross. The first Friday of every month many Catholics and Anglicans join in prayer andmeditate on the passion of Christ. The stations of the Way of the Cross were made by 14artists.
- on August 28th there was a meeting of Carmelites in Aylsford. Around 9.000 people gathered there.
- on August 29th there was a one-day spiritual renewal for around 30 priests. Among them were 4 anglican priests.
- on August 30th around 50 priests, 3 bishops, and 1 cardinal participated in the meeting in Aige by Linz. The meeting lasted 4 days. Among the speakeers were Rene Laurentin and other well-known professors from German and Austrian theological faculties. The meeting was concluded with the concelebration of the Holy Eucharist and with Cardinal Stickle as the main concelebrant.
- on September 2nd there was a meeting in Fuld. Mass was concelbrated by the renowned archbishop Diba who in his homily said that Medjugorje pilgrims are a special type of people who are perservering and of whom God asks for much.
On the same day fr. Slavko, together with fr. Ivan Sevo, guardian of the monastery in Mostar, attended a fund-raising concert the proceeds of which will go towards rebuilding the demolished Franciscan church in Mostar.
- on September 3rd there was a meeting in the parish community in Marktsteinach.
At all of the meetings it was beautiful to see how Our Lady created small prayer groups out of many families, and how She gives birth to Her spiritual children in this materialized world and in that way renews the church which is the mother.
Published by: INFORMATIVNI CENTAR MIR - Svetiste Kraljice Mira (Information Center MIR - Shrine of the Queen of Peace), 88266 Medjugorje.
Director: fra Miljenko Stojic.
Information Office: 00387-36-651-988
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E-mail: medjugorje-mir@medjugorje.hr; Internet: http://www.medjugorje.hr
Automatic Message: 060-325-325. By calling this number you can hear the latest message of Our Lady in Croatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Slovenia, Austria, Switzerland and Germany, as well as also the meditation and the news from Medjugorje which is updated every Wednesday.
Last Modified 11/25/2002