I believe every man throughout history asks himself about what kind of time he is living in. We too are wondering about that today. How do we answer?
It seems to me we are living in a time of Lent. Not just through forty days each year. We are living it every day. Well, God is constantly calling us to conversion because by our own irresponsible life we are able to destroy our history.
Our Lady came to bring us that message. She is trying to teach us how constantly to live in an Easter season. She wishes to pull us back from our being hidebound, to show us that nothing in this world can destroy us if we do not want it to. Are we hearing her strongly enough or is her speech just one more news item in a series of news that fills in around us every day. This Easter is to give us an answer to that question. It will make completely different people out of us. It will show us the place where happiness and satisfaction are found.
How then would it not be for us A Happy and Blessed Easter!?
Fr. Miljenko
On the first Friday of Lent, February 23, 1996, the new stations of the Way of the Cross were erected and blessed in the renewed church of Medjugorje. Fr. Luka Su ac, who was pastor at Medjugorje for many years, conducted the prayers and the blessing. The stations of the Way of the Cross where executed in walnut colored wood by the famous Italian academic sculptor Pino Sacchi. His works adorn many Italian churches and cathedrals. Although in a well advanced period of life, being 85 years of age, this artist decided to produce the stations of the Way of the Cross for the church of Medjugorje as the final work in his artistic career. This artistic work, of extraordinary spiritual and material value, was donated to the Church in Medjugorje by the Heger family from Switzerland, for many years pilgrims and friends of Medjugorje.
Already traditional, the seventh international youth prayer meeting in Medjugorje in a row will be held from July 31-August 6, 1996. The theme of the meeting is: "Out of Darkness into the Light."
The program and themes of the seminar are the following:
- July 31 Assembly and evening holy mass
- August 1 "The darkness in us and around us"
- August 2 "The light that is presenting itself" (evening procession through the parish with Most Blessed Sacrament)
- August 3 "Encounter with the light - confession" (evening drama "Out of darkness into the light" - stories about young people in drugs - "Cenacle" Community of Sr. Elvira)
- August 4 "Be the light of the world" (evening festival of Marian songs)
- August 5 "Mary, Mother of the Lght"
- August 6 "Cross Mountain - the sun that is birthed by me in the world"
The speakers are: Sister Elvira, Jean Plivar, Don Cosimo, Fr. Jozo Zovko, Sister Briege McKenna. The following will give testimony about their experiences: the visionaries, General Philip Morillon and others. The seminar will be conducted by Fr. Slavko Barbaric. It is recommended to all participants to bring along ear phones, a radio with FM reception (because of simultaneous translation) and a bible. All those who wish to enrich this prayer meeting with their music on classical instruments may notify Agostino by fax - 387-88-642-339. He is in charge of the music throughout the festival. A place for them will be secured at "Domus Pacis."
We request all organizers that are coming with their groups to the international youth prayer meeting not to plan other activities during these days for the sake of complete cooperation of all participants.
At the beginning of March Croatian chancellors gathered for a work meeting of the college of chancellors of Croatian universities held in Mostar. After a visit to the shrine they met with the Medjugorje Franciscans with Fr. Tomislav Pervan presiding. He is the Provincial of the Hercegovina Franciscans. The delegation of Croatian Chancellors was headed by Mrs. Katica Ivani evi , President of the Upper House of the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia. After her visit around the shrine she said:
"Medjugorje is a great thing for Croatia, not only in the sense of renewal and strengthening of Catholic faith, but it actually represents Croatia in the world. The coming here of all those people means getting acquainted with Croatia on the spot. Besides that, they carried away their impressions and, in fact, that real truth about Croatia that they were able to say greatly helped our homeland."
At the prayer-information seminar held in Tucepi at Hotel "Alga" from March 17 - 21, 100 people from 20 countries participated. We will publish the declaration that the participants adopted at the end of the seminar in the following number of the Press Bulletin.
We hereby request all priests who are coming on pilgrimage to Medjugorje to please bring their own alb and stole with them. The work of the sisters in the church sacristy will thereby be significantly speeded up and facilitated.
Published by : INFORMATIVNI CENTAR MIR - Svetiste Kraljice mira (Information Center MIR - Shrine of the Queen of Peace), 88266 Medjugorje,
BiH, fax number: +387-88-642-339. Director: fra Miljenko Stojic. You can receive the latest issue of the Press Bulletin at any time on your own fax machine in the tone mode by dialing the Robofax in our Information Center at +387-88-65-15-55. Published every other Wednesday.
Last Modified 11/25/2002