June 5, 1996



We like to listen when someone speaks nicely. Sometimes it is also the reason we trust him without too much questioning. But we really should have done just that: question ourselves. There has to be a reason why someone chooses just those kinds of words.

We can freely apply this also to Our Lady's speech. She has in fact clearly said what her ultimate goal is: to connect us with heaven. We are not only those who are struggling in the limits of our own reason. We are truly those who are living on this earth experiencing all the difficulties, but we are at the same time turned toward heaven. Heaven is that place where we shall live forever.

In understanding the quality of relations around us we help both ourselves and others. Then it will not happen to us that we proclaim something to be positive which we should not at all have done. It is too late to do that just then when something has happened. It is important to have done it already before hand. Then we will march along with dignity on this earth where Our Lady desires to teach us.

Fr. Miljenko



During the month of May at the Shrine of Our Lady Queen of Peace in Medjugorje 80,000 Holy Communions were distributed and there were 1,952 concelebrations at Holy Mass by priests from the homeland and abroad or an average of 63 daily.


Prayer Seminars are regularly conducted in the "Domus Pacis" House of Prayer. It was thus also at the end of May when a Bible Prayer Group of 33 youth held a three day prayer seminar. Fr. Ivan Maric and Simon Romic organized and led the seminar. In addition to the lectures the young people visited the Hill of Apparitions and the Cross Mountain where they had a biblical Way of the Cross. They also visited the "Cenacle" community of Sr. Elvira where young men are cured of drug addiction. This group of young people just like all the others who visit this community were especially enthused by the atmosphere of prayer that prevails in it. They returned home enriched by a new and profound experience.

The organization "Help", which assists abandoned and endangered children in the region of Split, regularly organizes spiritual renewal in Medjugorje for the children under its care. Thus it was also for half of May. Fr. Branimir Musa conducted a seminar at "Domus Pacis" for 30 little people with their guides from Split.


Ingrid Frankopan Subic is a member of ancient Croatia, a family clan that has its branches also in Rome, Venice and Verona. She is the mother of five children, the author of numerous books and publications, a professor at several European universities and the holder of three doctorates on international law. A profound devotion to the Blessed Birgin Mary is also a tradition of her large family. They have built many churches and mansions. Therefore it is not disturbing that they have lost everything in Croatia because if necessary they will build a new church and a new manor-house. The material possessions are lost, but their loe for Our Lady is still more strengthened. For that very reason all the children of princess Frankopan Subic attend holy mass daily and all but her have visited Medjugorje. Now she too is here for the first time and this is what she had to say on that occasion:

"I feel that this is truly a prophetic place. Fifteen years ago Our Lady requested people to begin praying for peace and thirteen years ago the Holy Father requested me to write a book on the subject of right during war. That was then very exceptional, but also not accidental.

It is a true wonder that Croatia has achieved independence. I think for the most part it was the intercession of Our Lady that brought this about, the intercession of Cardinal Stepinac as well as of all the young men who gave their life for the liberation of their own country from atheism. We have to be grateful to Our Lady because she saved us. It is a great honor to have her among us.

After his visit to Croatia the Holy Father said: "I wish to return to your holy places." Since the holy house of Nazareth at the shrine in Trsat had been the property of our family, and since we are alla bit selfish, I was thinking that his words referred to Trsat. But still I think that in the first place the Holy Father was thinking of Medjugorje."


At the end of May a TV crew from Spain visited Medjugorje for the purpose of making a documentary film on the events of Medjugorje. They stayed in Medjugorje for several days.

Also a TV team from Croatian Television filmed a documentary on Medjugorje with special emphasis on the "Cenacle" community where young men are cured of drug addiction and on the Childrens' Village.



So that we might more quickly and easily be in contact with you we have connected with the Internet. Our address is: http://www.tel.hr/medjugorje. For the time being our web pages are still in the making, so please understand our imperfections. You can send all comments and contributions to our e-mail address: medjugorje-mir@st.tel.hr. Also if in addition you know of any other Internet address that talks about Medjugorje, please inform us of it.


"MEDJUGORJE - DAI MONTI MI VERRÀ LA SALVEZZA", Editrice Shalom, Monte San Vito, (AN), 223 pp..

Published by : INFORMATIVNI CENTAR MIR - Svetiste Kraljice mira
(Information Center MIR - Shrine of the Queen of Peace),
88266 Medjugorje, BiH, fax number: +387-88-642-339.
Director: fra Miljenko Stojic.
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Published every other Wednesday.

Last Modified 06/05/96