48 September 25, 1996
If we are really Christian, then, without even thinking we should be able to say that life is beautiful. Christianity is the Good News and we shouldn't be making it into anything different. It does happen, however, that often we find ourselves saying that we don't have time, or that we are in a hurry. This sort of stance is not in keeping with "Joy". He who has joy within, always has time for everyone, time for everything that is good.
"Not having time" is the illness of modern civilization. Since reason has worked itself up to having precedence over the soul, the soul is left without it's own quintessence. And so it must say that it is in a hurry, it doesn t matter where, it's just important that it doesn't have enough time for thinking about itself.
Our Lady's coming here doesn't mean that she wants to destroy modern civilization because there are many very good things in it. She does however wish to light up it's darker aspects. That's why often in her messages she tells us to leave everything. When we approach God, we whould do so with empty hands and with time at our disposal. Only then can He give us His gifts and make us happy. Our Blessed Mother is the perfect example of this.
p. Miljenko
This year also, on the 15th of September, the feast of the Exaltation of the cross was solemnly celebrated on Mt. Krizevac. About 50,000 of the faithful participated at the solemn Eucharistic celebration at the foot of the cross, led by Carmelite Father Jakov Mamic. It is impossible to list all the countries from which the faithful came for the occasion in Medjugorje. The most numerous groups were : Americans, French, English, Irish, German, Austrian, Italian, the Czechs and Slovenians, and an enormous representation of Croatians, the majority of whom had travelled hundreds of kilometres during the night in order to arrive at Medjugorje by dawn. We would also like to draw attention to the group of nuns from the Ucraine who travelled for five days in order to be at Medjugorje for the feast where they remained only two days.
While the majority of the faithful were celebrating mass at the foot of the cross, the Holy Mass was being celebrated in the church in Medjugorje in Latin for those who could not climb the mountain. In the presence of about 4,000 of the faithful, the English Bishop Mons. Augustin Harris together with the franciscan Provincial fr. Tomislav Pervan and another 25 priests led the Holy Mass.
What is it that attracts so many pilgrims every year on this feast? At the top of Mt. Krizevac (520 metres above sea level), the then Parish Priest, Fr. Bernardin Smoljan, together with the parishioners had constructed a cement cross 8.52 metres high. On the cross they had made the following inscription: "To Jesus Christ redeemer of humanity as a sign of our faith, love and hope and in memory of of the 1900th anniversary of the passion of Jesus". Where the arms of the cross meet, a relic of that which Christians venerate as the true cross, obtained for this special occasion, was inserted. The rest of which is in safe-keeping in the church of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem in Rome. The cross was finished on the 15th of March 1934, and was blessed the following day when the first mass took place at it's base. Afterwards it became a custom that Mass be celebrated there on the first Sunday after the feast of Our Lady's nativity in memory of the Exaltation of the Cross.
Krizevac, however doesn't attract pilgrims because of natural beauty, nor for the beauty of the cross, but because many confirm to have seen light, and other signs after the beginning of the apparitions. Everyone connected the cross with Her message, "Peace between God and mankind, and between all men". They understood that the way to this peace is inevitably through the cross.
Often in various newspapers or in announcements given by embassies etc, they speak of danger in the state of Bosnia Hercegovina. This is true of Bosnia Hercegovina as a whole. But those wishing to come to Medjugorje to stay for a planned period of time may do so without any anxiety. Even during the most vehement clashes of the war in Bosnia Hercegovina, Medjugorje was a safe place.
If you are traveling by plane, it is easist to come through the airports at Dubrovnik or Split. By ship it is safe to come through Italy. Whoever travels by coach or car can do so along the Adriatic coast as far as Split and then make the turn for Medjugorje. From the south the road for Medjugorje is through Dubrovnik. Medjugorje and its surroundings are completely safe as far as residence is concerned. Life goes on as normal. However those who wish to go further into central Bosnia do so at their own risk.
Should further information be necessary, you can call us at our information office tel.no.: +387 88 651 988 every day from 9.00 to 18.00 local time.
Published by : INFORMATIVNI CENTAR MIR - Svetiste Kraljice mira
(Information Center MIR - Shrine of the Queen of Peace),
88266 Medjugorje, BiH, fax number: 00387 88 651 444.
Director: fra Miljenko Stojic.
You can receive the latest issue of the Press Bulletin at any time on your own fax machine in the tone mode by dialing the Robofax in our Information Center at +387-88-65-15-55. Published every other Wednesday.
Last Modified 09/25/96