
The following list contains groups, organizations, associations, and shrines dedicated to Marian information and activity. This comprehensive list and has been sorted by state. Each entry has been coded to indicate what service(s) are provided. Note: This list has not been thoroughly updated in many years, so please be aware that many entries may not be accurate or up to date.
Special thanks to Mary's People for compiling the original list.
Codes Used To Define Service(s) offered By Each Center:
A - Marian Audio Tapes
AO - Art Objects (statues, pictures, cards, etc.)
B - Marian Books/Literature
C - Conference Organizers
CC - Computer Communications
CI - Croatian Interpretation
G - Guadalupe Missionary Image
H - Hotline/Monthly Message
LL - Lending Library
MM - Marian Mass
MI - Marian Information
MP - "Mary's People" Source
MU - Music Composer
N - Newletter
P - Publisher, Marian
PG - Prayer Group
PR - Prison Ministry
R - Resource, Multi-Services (info and/or Marian merchandise)
RA - Radio
RI - Religious Items - Rosaries, key chains, Marian jewlery, etc.
RT - Retreat Ministry
S - Speakers
TV - Television
V - Marian Video Tapes
Y - Youth Group
Last Modified 05/11/2004