Letters of Clarification
Regarding Fr. Jozo
Below you can find the letters of Provincial Fr. Slavko Soldo and the Vicar General of the Franciscan Order Stefano Ottenbreit, that states Fr. Jozo is a Franciscan in good standing in the Order, even if he is under penalties from the Bishop.
11.21.2002 – Many people contact us regularly with questions concerning the status of the Franciscan Fr. Jozo Zovko, OFM. This is why we publish the "Attestation of Good Conduct" by Fr. Stefano Ottenbreit, OFM, Vicar General of the Order of Friars Minor (OFM) and a letter by Fr. Slavko Soldo, OFM, Provincial of the Herzegovinian Franciscan Province of the Assumption of the BVM.

Fr. Stefano Ottenbreit,
Vicar General of the Order, writes:
"I Fr. Stefano Ottenbreit, the undersigned, Vicar General of the Order of Friars Minor, testify that Fr. Jozo Zovko is a Member in good standing of the Province of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Herzegovina of our Order. I, also, declare to whom it may concern that he has never been suspended from our Order."
Signed and sealed with the seal of the Order at our General Curia in Rome on this 21st day of November in the year of the Lord 2002.
In fide, Fr. Stefano Ottenbreit, OFM, Vicar General

Fr. Slavko Soldo, OFM, Provincial of the Herzegovinian Franciscan Province of the Assumption of the BVM, writes:
"Fr. Jozo Zovko is a member of our community in good standing. He was the pastor at Medjugorje when the apparition of the Blessed Mother started in 1981. It was time of the communist regime in our country. As pastor of Medjugorje Fr. Jozo was put in prison by the communist court. After he was released from the prison, he continued to spread the message of the blessed Mother Queen of peace.
In our community Fr. Jozo Zovko is known as a charismatic priest who suffered for his faith and continues suffering. He spends long hours in prayer, counseling and preaching. Most of the time he is in the church, often for 10 hours a day.
Those who oppose the apparitions of the Blessed Mother at Medjugorje are constantly after Fr. Jozo, trying to stop his mission, but those who accept the Medjugorje consider him a dedicated priest and are inviting him to lead retreats for them and pray for them in their needs. Among those who are inviting him, are many priests and bishops. Fr. Jozo is tireless in that service. He did ask permission to travel to the United States and it was granted to him. I hope that this will be of help to you.
Peace and all things good!"
Mostar, November 14, 2002, Fr. Slavko Soldo, provincijal

Last Modified 12/12/2002